The Power is an outgrowth of the spontaneous grass roots energy that erupted in the aftermath of California's Proposition 8 which took away the right of same-sex couples to marry
The first order of business for The Power is to ensure a Democratic majority in NY State Senate without any pre-conditions. .
Even though Democrats won enough seats to take control of the Senate for the first time in 40 years, three conservative Democrats want gay marriage off the table as the cost of keeping their votes with the Democrats. The threat being otherwise they'll cut a deal with the Republicans and give them back the majority. So a deal may have already been made with the Democratic leadership to not address the issue. More details on the reported deal here.
This is a typical Albany power grab, with equality as the bargaining chip. It is the kind of stuff that has always gone on in Albany, but for once it is seeing the light of day.
Please Join and participate! Help spread the word.
The Power on Facebook
From Facebook page for THE POWER
JOIN THE POWER in holding political leaders accountable to support equality, most immediately marriage equality, not on some arbitrary and convenient schedule, but right now.
UNLEASH THE POWER to enact marriage equality legislation in New York in 2009 and to achieve federal recognition of those marriages.
1. JOIN the Facebook group.
2. POST it to your Facebook profile.
3. INVITE all your friends, straight and gay, New Yorkers and out-of-staters.
4. Post articles and discussions about these Senators and the battle for marriage inNew York.
5. ORGANIZE events and demonstrations. If you are willing to do so, please contact the group leaders.
THE POWER is the outgrowth of a Facebook group that harnessed the spontaneous grass roots energy that errupted in the aftermath of Proposition 8 to pressure a group of rogue Democratic New York State Senators known as "The Gang of Three" (Ruben Diaz, Sr., Carl Kruger, and Pedro Espada, Jr.) to abandon a scheme to back an anti-marriage Republican (Dean Skelos) over a pro-marriage Democrat (Malcolm Smith) for majority leader. Through thousands and thousands of calls to anti-gay Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr., we put him and other legislators on notice that the people are prepared to take the fight for equality to our opponents in their own districts, and that we won't give up until we prevail.
On December 6th, The Gang of Three made a deal which gives Democrats control of the State Senate for the first time in forty years and which will make Malcolm Smith the President Pro Tempore, enabling introduction of marriage legislation in 2009.
Unfortunately, rumors surfaced in the press that as part of the deal, Smith had agreed to table marriage legislation until after the 2010 gubernatorial election. Though there has been no official confirmation of such a deal, it became clear that the thousands of people assembling under the banner of the old Facebook group needed and wanted to assemble under a different banner that wasn't tied to any one specific politician or political party, specifically for the purpose of pursuing marriage equality in New York.
Since Facebook does not allow anyone to change the name of a group after it has been created, the only solution was to create a new group with a more generic name.
Thus, The Power.
Go to Facebook Now and Join
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Crucial Links:
Join The Impact
Marriage Equality - NY
Empire State Pride Agenda
Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council
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